Teaching and Pedagogy
CHGN 209: Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
CHGN 423/523: Solid State Chemistry
NSF REU: Integrating Computation and Experiment to Create Revolutionary Materials (ICECRM)
This REU program invites undergraduate researchers to participate in 10-11 weeks of Materials Science research at Colorado School of Mines. In addition to research, students will participate in professional development activities focused on effective scientific communication. No prior research experience is necessary!
ChatGPT Workshop:
Over Feb 12-13, 2024 the NSF Division of Materials Research sponsored a workshop titled "Integrating LLMs into the Materials Chemistry Curriculum" in Golden, CO. We aim to explore and develop innovative ways to incorporate large language models (LLMs, e.g. GPT, ChatGPT, and Bard) into upper division chemistry laboratories and virtual lab experiences.